Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Doing What You Can When You Can

Constant learning is necessary for everything we do in life if we want to succeed. In the 4 years that I've been training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I have had the pleasure of training with amazing people, bringing abilities and personalities to the mat. What may be most impressive is how people deal with adversity in the form of injury. Now, when high intensity activity happens so do injuries, its just part of it. And at my school they stress that injury is not a reason to skip training. Its a matter of doing what you can and getting on the mat. So many of my training partners have come in bandaged up or with braces to train in what they really love doing. The latest is a friend of mine who has been a huge inspiration in how he carries himself on and off the mat. He is in his 50's and looks at least half that. So during training about 2 weeks ago he tore the biceps tendon in his right arm. He has the benefit of some top notch medical care and was able to get surgery done quickly with a prognosis of 6 months until full recovery. But there he was tonight with his right arm covered in a brace, strapping his Gi on and going out and working his ass off on the mat. Yep he couldnt do everything we were doing but almost. We all were inspired by what he was doing, but to him it was just getting on the mat and doing what he loves.

So where does that leave the people who dont train at my school? No different. We all have to deal with injuries at one time or another both physical and mental. Thats a given,\.But whether we go hide and heal and play it safe or get out there and do what we can starts to define who we are. The work you do is way more far reaching than the immediate discomfort. We spend every day carving out what our life is going to be. Inspire yourself and others. Today. NOW!

P.s. To all my training partners, pleas edont be offended if i didnt mention you specifically in this . You are all brave amazing people and its an honor to work and grow with you.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Everyday Heroes

When you look at the best in any field one of the characteristics is the disdain of mediocrity. Constant improvement and learning characterize these men and women. But I put it to you that it shouldn't and in fact can't be something relegated to a small section of society. For an entirely too long of a period mediocrity and just "getting by" has been the mode of operation. And it germinates. When we expect less of ourselves we put out less to others. An then some hold others to higher expectations than they do themselves which is well, ridiculous.
Whether its at work or in our relationships, accepting mediocrity or just getting by doesn't increase our ability to be happy or make more money or get better as an Individual.
So can you go out and be Michael Jordan? Maybe not but your life can be a damn sight better than it was yesterday. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Slaying the Ego

Just finished an article about Zen and the Martial Arts. in Japan, the word Dojo has a duel meaning. One, a place for martial arts training, but also " the place for killing the ego." and it's true, the hours of training and the effort and the sometimes humbling experience of getting worked over helps keep the ego well in check if not very tiny.

So why can't it be like that everywhere. ? And for everyone? Doubtless you've seen people consciously making poor decisions because their ego won't let them admit a error. This rarely is confined to a single episode and usually leads to a string of poor decisions.

So as a little exercise, take a minute of two every day and examine a choice you are making. What is driving that choice, common sense or ego?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mission Not Impossible

       Hi everyone! With the new format here and the further upgrades planned to the site thanks to the awesome work by, I wanted to share what I and FitMedic is about and will be in the future.

       As many of you may know(or not), I have been a paramedic here in NYC for the past 12 years. Ive seen some amazing things and stuff that I'd just as soon forget. But the underlying theme was that I see many people who are at their worst points in their lives.

       Not surprisingly, my health had gone down a disturbing path at the same time. Too much idle time combine with binge eating the worst foods piled on the pounds and the problems started. Finally it took an intervention by family and a abrasive in-your-face Dr. to finally set me on my path.

       As I got healthier, it spurred me on to learn more about my body, myself, and health in general. Along the way I started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BBJJ! OSS!) and started eating Paleo, and along the way met amazing people who encouraged me to keep on going. I recieved my personal trainer certificate from NASM and soon after my certification as a Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

       So now, my goal is to pay it forward. I have seen firsthand what happpens to people who dont take care of themselves and I want to help keep it from happening. I want to work with everyone form high-end athletes to couch potatoes taking the first step. I want to share what I know and continue learning to help people reach the potential they may not know they have.

       So I make it clear to you now, as this blog and website grow, so will I. I will continue to learn, write, encourage, lay the hammer down when necessary and be the best trainer I can be, Understand that yes, FitMedic is a business, but my business is my passion and i think its pretty cool.

       Thats it in a nutshell, im looking forward to getting to know you. You will hear from me soon, and often.

                                                                                        Brian Collins EMT-P,CPT, FNS
                                                                                        Twitter @ Fitmedic